February 4, 2022

5 Tips For Getting the Most From Your Massage

A spa massage in Myrtle Beach is an investment in your health and well being, so naturally you want to get the most from that investment as possible. A massage is more than just a simple back rub – massage has many benefits including releasing of muscle tension, relaxation, and improvement in flexibility. But did you know that there are steps you can take to make your massage even more effective?

Here are just a few of the things you can do to make the most of your massage treatment at Cinzia Spa in Myrtle Beach.


We all should be drinking between 11 and 15 cups of water per day, every day. Staying hydrated helps us feel our best, and improves the look and feel of our skin, too. But staying hydrated before a massage is essential to maximizing the benefits of this service. Furthermore, stay hydrated after your massage session, too. An extra glass or two of water is always recommended to help replenish moisture lost during the massage.

Don’t Overeat

A massage on a full stomach won’t feel as good as a massage on a satisfied stomach. Don’t arrive hungry, but make sure you’ve allowed enough time to digest before your treatment.

Communication is Key

Are you experiencing aches and pains in a certain area of your body? Let your therapist know. It could be a troublesome muscle knot, or it could be a more serious injury that needs to be evaluated by a doctor. Letting your therapist know will help determine the cause of your discomfort, and allow your therapist to avoid or pay extra attention to that area depending on the issue.

Guide The Conversation (or Lack Thereof)

Do you want complete silence? Or would you prefer to chat with your therapist during your procedure? You lead the way, and your therapist will follow.

Wear What You Like

If you feel uncomfortable with removing certain articles of clothing, it is your choice to stay as clothed as you feel comfortable doing. Let your therapist know that you would prefer to keep certain clothing on during your treatment.


It may go without saying that you should relax during your treatment, but it’s true. Relaxing, having an open mind, and allowing your body to release tension will not only help your therapist achieve better results, you will feel better after your treatment ends. When your massage is over, don’t rush yourself to get dressed and leave. Take your time, and maybe even book another treatment or enjoy the spa, infrared sauna, or eucalyptus steam shower.

To schedule a massage or with any questions about massages or other treatments we offer, please contact Cinzia Spa in Myrtle Beach today!

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